June 6, 2019

Washington DC: The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy joined Mr. Nader Moumneh to celebrate the launch of his scholarly and important new book entitled, “Lebanese Forces: Emergence and Transformation of the Christian Resistance” on May 29th at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington DC. Mr. Moumneh delivered the following remarks:
“I would like to thank the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy for giving me the opportunity to be here and present my book on the Lebanese Christian Resistance a.k.a the Lebanese Forces. The book is the culmination of 25 years of painstaking research and hundreds of interviews across the globe. A pure labour of love I might add.
“I was six years old when the Lebanese war broke out in 1975 and I was too young to understand the grim realities of war, but I have developed a strong interest in politics. I closely followed the rapid ascendancy of Bashir Gemayel and I was deeply shocked at his violent death in 1982.
“A year later, the Iran-sponsored Shiite group Hezbollah bombed the US embassy and the Marine barracks in Beirut. The lack of decisive and swift response to the terror attacks and the abrupt withdrawal of the Marines from Lebanon in early 1984 has enabled Iran to gain a foothold in Lebanon.
“The book examines the formation and evolution of the Lebanese Christian Resistance, the fight against the dual Palestinian and Syrian occupation of Lebanon and the relentless quest for sovereignty. It also dwells on the destructive power struggle within the Christian community and the lingering consequences of the intra-Christian war on Lebanon.
“The book also discusses the growing influence of Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran’s unwavering efforts to create a Shiite crescent in the Middle East. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Walid Phares for taking the time to write a comprehensive afterword for my 25-year academic work. His expert input and deep insight into the regional developments in the Middle East are invaluable!
“Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for President Trump’s Mideast policy and the concerted efforts to establish an Arab NATO, a crucial military counter-weight to Iranian influence in Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. It is time for the Arab world to close ranks and halt Iran’s ambitions to control the Levant. I hope you will take the time to read my 619-page book. It will appeal to scholars, Middle East experts, government officials, intelligence services, graduate students in political science and general audience alike!”
AMCD wishes Mr. Moumneh the greatest success with his worthy effort.