November 9, 2018

Washington DC: Dr. Walid Phares, senior advisor to the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy is urging Americans with strong ties to persecuted communities overseas to run for Congress in 2020. AMCD seeks to provide support for Yazidis, Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans, Darfuris, Copts, Bahais, Ahmadis and Sufis who have come to America fleeing persecution in their homelands.

Phares, who helped launch a large coalition of moderate Middle East and Arab Muslim NGOs during his tenure as a foreign policy advisor for the Trump campaign in 2016, said, “We also strongly encourage Americans from Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi and Turkish descent, and who support democracy and human rights, to consider running in the next congressional elections in 2020 and 2022, in order to better represent these communities on the Hill.”
“Both Republicans and Democrats should reach out to these overlooked communities,” continued Dr. Phares. “Men and women who have actually experienced ethnic or religious persecution are among the most grateful new citizens. These people know what it is like to live in unfree societies and will be zealous in their guardianship of liberty.”
“Sometimes Americans take their freedom for granted,” added AMCD co-Chair Tom Harb, “and they don’t realize how fragile that freedom really is. We are hopeful that fielding candidates who know first-hand what it is like to live without basic freedoms will benefit all Americans because these people know how precious freedom really is and how easily it can be lost.”
AMCD calls its members to consider running for Congress and all other elected offices. The organization will provide support for them in the next election cycle.