August 16, 2022
On August 11, 2022, members of AMCD met with the Republican candidate for Attorney General for Arizona, Abraham Hamadeh. Mr. Hamadeh explained that he is the son of Syrian immigrants who came to the US in the 1980s. HI family first came to Chicago and then by chance, his father won the lottery which included a trip to Scottsdale, Arizona in January. When they arrived, his parents exclaimed: “We have found the Middle East in America!”
Though still a young man, Mr. Hamadeh is amazed at what he has been able to accomplish due to the freedom and opportunities he has found in this country. He earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science from Arizona State University and earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Arizona College of Law. Mr. Hamadeh is also a Captain and intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Reserve and just returned from a 14-month deployment to Saudi Arabia where he implemented the first of its kind new enhanced security vetting which was developed in response to the 2019 Pensacola terrorist attack.
Mr. Hamadeh spoke passionately about the degradation of the rule of law in recent years. The covid lock-downs were a turning point for him because he was astonished at how easily and quickly our liberties were lost. He believes: “the people who got us into this mess are not the right people to get us out.” He is also looking forward to having the opportunity to push back against the federal government and to sue it for dereliction of duty on the border. He points out Republican attorneys general have sued the federal government a total of 87 times over the last eight years, whereas the democrats have sued hundreds and hundreds of times over the same period.
Mr. Hamadeh wants to ensure election integrity for his state and sees that issue as being critical for the future of Arizona and the nation. He believes voting machines must open their software code to complete line by line inspection, if voting machines are to be used at all. He pointed out the France just voted in one day with paper ballots and had their results the same evening.
Mr. Hamadeh is an America First candidate who has President Trump’s endorsement.
His opponent in the race is Kris Mayes who has been vacuuming up donations from the far Left. Both Tom Steyer and George Soros have pledged to donate to her campaign. You can help Abraham fight back by clicking here to donate to his campaign. Early voting begins October 10.
The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy gives its full-throated endorsement to Abraham Hamadeh for Arizona State Attorney General.