United Action Group – Warsaw Conference

January 29, 2019

The Honorable Michael R. Pompeo
United State Department Harry S Truman Building
2201 C Street Northwest Washington, D.C .U.S.A. 

The Honorable Jacek Czaputowicz
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
J. Ch. Szucha 23 00-580 Warsaw Poland

Subject:  Request for inclusion of the Iranian secular democratic oppositional forces in the Warsaw Global Conference on Middle East – February 13th and 14th 2019

The Honorable Mr. Pompeo and The Honorable Mr. Czaputowicz,

We, the undersigned Iranian secular democratic organizations representing a large sector of the Iranian groups opposing the illegitimate and jihadist government of the Islamic Republic in Iran (“IRI”), are hereby requesting the formal inclusion of the voices of the Iranian people, or their symbolic representatives from the under-mentioned organizations, among others, in the upcoming Warsaw Conference.

As the stated goal of this jointly hosted global conference is to further the stability and security in the Middle East and to counter IRI’s “destabilizing influence” and deleterious role in the regional and global affairs, we would like to emphasize that undeniably, the overwhelming majority of the Iranian people are unreservedly opposed to the destructive role played by IRI during the past four decades, not only in the Middle East, but around the World as well as internally. The adventurous behavior of this renegade Regime has exacted a very heavy toll on the Iranian people in every aspect. Hence, the Iranian people must be considered as a major stakeholder in the international discussions concerning Iran.

Whereas the Iranian people, both inside Iran, or in exile, are the greatest sufferers of IRI’s tyrannical rule, we firmly believe that their voices, through their token representatives, need to be loudly heard rather than not to be consulted or worse, excluded from the Warsaw Conference.

The Honorable Secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, in his video address to the World Economic Forum 2019 at Davos on 22nd of January stated: “We have assembled a global coalition of nations to confront Iran and support the aspirations of the Iranian people.” Accordingly, in order to support the “aspirations” of the Iranian people, we strongly feel that they ought to be formally consulted and included in the process. Frequently US and its allies, as well as other powers and international organizations, do include the un-reconciling opponents of a regime in the international conferences concerning that country, be it Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Venezuela, or any other troubled country. Therefore, in our opinion, it would be implausible and wholly inappropriate not to invite representatives from the organizations listed below, as well as from other Iranian democratic and secular oppositional groups and political figures who are committed to peaceful and non-violent means to change the political destiny of Iran.

As a leopard can’t change its spots, IRI’s autocratic ruling “kleptocracy” cannot change its inborn harmful nature. Therefore, we believe in a peaceful change of the regime, and not “change in regime’s behavior.” Civil and peaceful change of the regime is primarily the prerogative of the Iranian people, with the support of the international community. As proven in the past, by its very aggressive nature, the war-mongering and religiously fanatic regime in Iran welcomes war and violence as a “divine gift.” Hence, we regard war as solely beneficial to the survival of the regime, and wholly deleterious to the interest of the Iranian people. Therefore, the undersigned believe that the best viable path forward, is for the international community to support the Iranian people’s civil movement in their non-violent struggle for the removal of the Islamic Regime in Iran.

We hereby cordially call upon the honorable hosts to urgently consider the invitation and inclusion of Iranian democratic and secular opposition groups, as a token representation of the Iranian people, to be an integral and imperative part of this conference. After all, it is the fate of an ancient country that is being debated upon; thus, without the participation and inclusion of its people this conference may not be deemed to be meaningful and supportive of their aspirations.

We eagerly look forward to hearing from you, with the anticipation to be part of the Warsaw Conference.


In alphabetical order:

·      Centre for Balochistan Studies – London

·      Council of Iranian Secular Democratic Movement (Mehestan)

·      Iran Digital Congress (Congereyeh Motamedin)

·      Iran Lion & Sun Organization (Shir va Khorshid Iran)

·      Iran Secular Democrat Party

·      Iranian Democracy Front

·      Iranian Secular Democratic Party

·      Paniranist Party Abroad

·      Persian (Iranian) Renaissance Movement

·      The New Iran (Nahade Mardomi)

·      The Constitutionalist Party of Iran (Liberal Democrat)

·      The Parliamentary Monarchy of Iran

·      We Exist National Movement (Ma Hastim)

Contact: [email protected]

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