Conservative Partnership Institute President and CEO Ed Corrigan welcomes participants.AMCD Co-Chair, Hossein Khorram From the left: Reza Farnoud, Molley Rozbeh, Iman ForoutanMolly Rozbeh and Iman ForoutanIranian-American activist Molly RozbehReza FarnoudRepresentative Darrell IssaFrom left: Hooshang Nematzadeh, Ali Mahdavi, Homeira BakhteariHooshang NematzedehPegah AfsharAMCD advisor Ken TimmermanAli MohseniJoseph Humire, Director, Center for a Secure Free SocietyAMCD advisor, Dr. Walid PharesGabriel Noronha, Dr. Walid Phares and Lisa DaftariFormer Deputy Chief of Staff at the National Security Council,Tera Dahl