AMCD Supports Brian Hook Against Obstruction, Fears Foreign Influence
November 1, 2019 As reported by Adam Kredo, career officials in the State Department who are opposed to President Trump’s policy toward Iran have targeted the US Special Representative on Iran, Brian Hook, in a series of leaks meant to damage him while he was under consideration for the post of National Security Advisor. “The political…
AMCD Supports the Protestors in Lebanon
October 30, 2019 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy supports the Lebanese demonstrators fully and shares in their hopes and demands for a democratic, sovereign state free from corruption, domestic militias, and foreign domination. “The rampant corruption throughout Lebanon has facilitated Hezbollah’s control of the Lebanese government and military,” said AMCD co-chair, Tom Harb. “This corruption…
AMCD Stands with Lebanese Protestors
October, 19, 2019 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy stands by the demonstrators all over Lebanon in their just demands for an accountable government free from corruption that serves its citizens, not corrupted politicians and terror groups that enrich themselves at the expense of the people. Now is finally time to implement FULLY UNSCR 1559 and…
Family of US citizen imprisoned in Lebanon pleads for his release: ‘This is a cry for help’
Jacqui Heinrich writes for Fox News: DOVER, N.H. – A New Hampshire family is pleading for President Trump to secure their father’s safe return from Lebanon, where he is being detained without charges and his family says he was physically abused by Lebanese authorities. Amer Fakhoury, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was arrested in his native Lebanon during a family trip last month…
AMCD Calls for US to Mediate Talks between Turkey and Syrian Kurds
October 8, 2019 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy stands by the free Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) including Kurds, Arabs and Christians in Northeast Syria, who have been resisting the ISIS Caliphate onslaught for years and have been a strong ally on the ground for the international coalition. AMCD applauds the US backing of the free…
Strong Iranian-American Presence at Beverly Hills Event with President Trump
October 2, 2019 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy’s Vice Chairman Hossein Khorram and about 200 Iranian-Americans had the honor to attend the Trump Victory Beverly Hills event with President Trump on September 17, 2019. Iranian Americans showed their support of the Administration’s Iran policy by cheering loudly when they were acknowledged by President Trump. The…
The US Must End Iran’s Influence Operations
September 10, 2019 In a new report from the Clarion Foundation illuminating sources of money flowing from Middle Eastern countries into the US University system, Lebanon was found to have contributed 5.7 million to seven different universities over the past seven years. Most of this money, 3.3 million, went to Columbia University and was given by the…
AMCD Calls for the Disarming of Hezbollah in Lebanon per UNSC Res. 1559 & 1701
September 3, 2019 In the wake of the latest Hezbollah attacks on Israel from Lebanese territory, the American Mideast Coalition for Democracy calls upon US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to force the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1559 and 1701 in Lebanon. “Unless the Lebanese government can gain control of Hezbollah and disarm…
What We Owe the Victims of ISIS
Susan Korah writes in the Convivium: “She has a poetic sadness about her like a pre-Raphaelite painting,” Geoffrey Clarfield says with no hint of sarcasm or disrespect. He is referring to Nadia Murad, the reluctant poster girl of Yazidi suffering in the aftermath of the brutal ISIS attack on this minority religious group on their home…
Does it shame Trump supporters to name them? Only if they’re ashamed about it
Danny Westneat writes in the Seattle Times: The news that Trump supporters are coming out of the woodwork around here, printed in my last column, pretty much horrified everybody (mission accomplished!). Liberals were upset that it’s happening at all. “I am appalled and depressed that anyone should contribute to the campaign of Trump,” one Seattle reader wrote. “You…