October 10, 2024

Following the operation by the Israeli Defense Force in taking out the entire leadership of Hezbollah including Hasan Nasrallah, his replacement, and a second replacement, the people of Lebanon have a golden opportunity to take back their country from the terrorists who had had the country in a stranglehold for decades.
The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy and the Amer Fakhoury Foundation jointly demand the full implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 which calls for the complete disarming and disbanding of all militia groups on the country. This should be done by the Lebanese Armed Forces under UN blue helmet supervision.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a call to the Lebanese people to arise and return their country to the beautiful state it once was when it was called the “pearl of the Midde East.” Iran has turned Lebanon into a weapons stockpile for Hezbollah and a forward military base for itself. He points out that Hezbollah joined the Hamas attack the day after October 7, 2023, and has fired over 8,000 rockets into Israel over the last year, displacing Israel’s northern population and killing civilians indiscriminately.
In response Israel has directly targeted the leadership of Hezbollah and will likely invade southern Lebanon to finish off this threat to their people once and for all. Netanyahu urges the Lebanese people to take this opportunity to return their country to a place of tranquility and prosperity.
Hezbollah has continued to use the Lebanese civilian population as human shields and there are reports that Hezbollah fighters are even hiding among the civilian refugees fleeing South Lebanon.
After Hezbollah has been disarmed, pro-Iranian regime operatives must also be removed from positions of power. Parliament must convene to pass legislation to remove these Hezbollah sympathizers from the military, the judiciary, the legislature, and the executive branch and to prevent them from holding office in the future.
Then can Lebanon begin to rebuild their defense structure, commerce, infrastructure, civic life, and so on. The Lebanese people have been suffering under the boot of Hezbollah for too long. The UN and other Western nations, notably France, must step in to help the Lebanese make this transition back to normalcy. Help the Lebanese people to arise and let Beirut become the “Paris of the Middle East” once more.