Dr. Ali Mohseni interviewed on Alvandtv
March 18, 2020 AMCD member Dr. Ali Mohseni was asked about the Chinese blaming US for engineering this virus. He answered by saying China better to explain first what a fish gene is doing in this virus’s genome! Watch below:
The Ayatollah’s Handling of the Coronavirus Epidemic May Lead to Their Demise
by Dr. Ali Mohseni (March 12, 2020) The respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus (named “2019-nCoV” and then COVID-19) which was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, has now spread to 109 countries with 111,650 confirmed cases and 3884 deaths. The second round of infection with COVID-19 was reportedly associated with travel from Wuhan. Infections are being…
Mother Jones Attempts to Smear Walid Phares, Comes up Short
by Tom Harb (March 4, 2020) For years the propaganda arm of the global Ikhwan has been attempting to damage author, foreign policy expert and scholar, Dr. Walid Phares because of the arguments he makes in the media exposing the Islamist network’s activities in several countries, including in Libya. Though his comments on Libyan affairs are very…
WCCR Supports Lebanese Protesters’ ‘No Confidence’ in New Government
February 11, 2020 Washington DC: As the Lebanese economy continues to spiral downward, protesters gathered in front of the Parliament building in Beirut to prevent a vote of confidence for the government. Protesters attempted to block access to the MPs seeking to support the new Hezbollah-dominated government which is seeking relief from the International Monetary…
AMCD Urges Senator McConnell Not to Take up Bill Limiting Trump’s Options on Iran
January 28, 2020 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy strongly opposes a bill introduced by Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) limiting President Trump ability to use military options against Iran. The bill was introduced during the hysteria over President Trump’s order to remove IRGC General Qassem Soleimani from the battlefield in Iraq. A similar bill passed in…
AMCD Supports Withholding US Aid to Lebanon
January 25, 2020 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy strongly supports Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the US government’s position on withholding aid to the recently-formed, Hezbollah-dominated government in Lebanon. “The test of Lebanon’s new government will be its actions and its responsiveness to the demands of the Lebanese people to implement reforms and to…
WCCR Condemns Violence Against Lebanese Protesters
January 16, 2020 The World Council of the Cedars RevolutionRepresenting the hopes and aspirations of many millions of Lebanese in Lebanon and throughout the Diaspora2200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW – 4th floor east, Washington DC, USA 20037Phone (202) 506 9540 www.cedarsrevolution.org [email protected] The World Council of the Cedars Revolution is disturbed by the beatings administered by Lebanese…
Middle East Christian Committee (MECHRIC) Opposes Statements by Iraqi Christians
January 7, 2020 The Middle East Christian Committee (MECHRIC) recognizes that the Christians in Iraq and Iran who have issued statements in support of the Islamic Republic of Iran and condemning the targeting of General Soleimani by the US are acting under duress. There is no doubt that Soleimani’s demise will disrupt Iran’s ability to sow terror…
AMCD Congratulates President Trump on Soleimani Strike
January 6, 2020 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy (AMCD) congratulates President Trump for taking out America’s notorious enemy, Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. He had worked for over 30 years to spread Iranian hegemony in the region at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars. Soleimani created chaos and…
Lebanese Army Mukahbarat Attacks Protesters in Kesruwan District in Lebanon
January 6, 2020 Statement by AMCD Co-Chair John Hajjar: I strongly condemn the violence practiced by the military security units of the Lebanese army on peaceful protesters in the Kesruwan district in Lebanon. I urge the State Department to ask the Lebanese army command to stop these units from being in contact with civilian protesters…