Category: Uncategorized

  • AMCD Condemns Hamas Attack on Israel

    October 7, 2023 Coming on the anniversary of the start of the Yom Kipper War in 1973, Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel has already taken dozens of lives and caused hundreds of civilian casualties. In addition to launching some 5,000 rockets into Israel’s civilian areas, Hamas sent numerous fighters from Gaza into Israel using boats…

  • AMCD Urges Congress to Investigate the “Iran Experts Initiative” Lobbying for the Regime

    October 5, 2023 As is well-known among the foreign policy community, both China and Iran run well-oiled influence operations within the U.S., with tentacles reaching deep into the Departments of State and Defense. The Biden Administration, like the prior Obama Administration, seems intent on appeasing the largest state-sponsor of terrorism, the Iran regime, and to…

  • AMCD Supports Syrian Druze Protesting for Competent Government

    September 24, 2023 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy lends its full support to the brave protesters in the predominantly Druze city of Suwaida in Syria as they seek basic government services, the stabilization of the currency and prices, reliable electricity and water services, equal application of the law, and opportunities to earn fair wages…

  • WCCR Stands with the People of Lebanon, Supports UNIFIL Under Chapter VII

    August 29, 2023 The World Council for the Cedars Revolution (WCCR) requests the Honorable Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary General) to consider the proposal to renew the mandate for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter.   Lebanon has been unable to elect a new President and is…

  • AMCD Condemns Hezbollah Transporting of Weapons and Shooting of Lebanese Christian Civilian and Calls for Implementation of UNSC Res. 1559

    August 16, 2023 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy condemns the shooting of Lebanese civilian, Fadi Bejjani, in the Christian village of Kahale, Mount Lebanon. The incident happened when a truck carrying weapons and ammunition destined for Hezbollah in the suburbs of Beirut, after having passed through a checkpoint staffed by the Lebanese Army, overturned,…

  • WCCR Applauds Senator Risch and Congressmen Issa, LaHood and Miller

    On August 3, 2023, two strongly worded letters were mailed to President Biden and Secretary Blinken concerning the deteriorating situation in Lebanon. The first was written by Senator James E. Risch, ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and addressed to President Biden. In it, the Senator lays out the deep problems facing Lebanon…

  • MECHRIC Strongly Condemns the Treatment of Cardinal Louis Sako by Iraqi Government

    July 21, 2023 The Middle East Christian Committee (MECHRIC) condemns the treatment of Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans, by the Iraqi government, whose President, Abdul Latif Rashid, revoked Cardinal Sako’s status as Patriarch of the Chaldean Church and the legal caretaker of its endowment on July 14th. Cardinal Sako accused…

  • AMCD interviews the President of the Sudan American Committee, Daowd Salih

    June 6, 2023 Daowd Ibrahim Salih is a founding member and Board President of the Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy ( A former assistant field officer for the German Red Cross, Swiss Red Cross and Sudanese Red Crescent, Mr. Salih came to the United States as a refugee in exile from Darfur. He was…

  • AMCD Calls for Immediate Ceasefire and the Establishment of Safe Zones in Sudan

    April 28, 2023 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy is issuing an urgent call for an immediate ceasefire in Sudan to end the bloodshed in Khartoum and stop the ethnic cleansing taking place once again in Darfur. The people of Sudan have lost trust in the military junta which took power in October 2021. The…

  • Tarek Fatah, Rest in Peace

    We at AMCD were saddened by the news of the passing of Tarek Fatah. The 73-year-old Pakistani-Canadian columnist passed away on Monday after a prolonged battle with cancer. “Fatah was a brave intellectual who was also very kind and good-hearted,” began AMCD co-chair, John Hajjar. “He wanted peace and sympathetic understanding between religions and nationalities.…