AMCD meets Amanda Makki, US Congressional Candidate (FL-13)
August 20, 2021 On Thursday, August 19, AMCD held a zoom meeting with Iranian-American Amanda Makki who is running for the Republican nomination in Florida’s 13th Congressional district which includes the city of St. Petersburg. She explained that though this is a traditionally Republican district, the seat has been held by the former Governor, Charlie Crist, since…
Statement on Afghanistan
by Hossein Khorram (August 1, 2021) On this occasion, the United States played a decisive role in ending the most destructive war in world history, and we owe so much to U.S. Servicemembers who sacrificed so much. Also, today marks the fall of Kabul and surrender of Afghan Government to Taliban, marking an end with no…
AMCD meets with Derek Chartrand Candidate for Congress (WA-1)
July 21, 2021 Long-time Washington State resident, Derek Chartrand is running for the Republican nomination to defeat Congresswoman Suzan Delbene in Washington’s first district. During the meeting with AMCD on July 8, he was very upbeat about the ability of Republicans to take back the House in 2022. Mr. Chartrand was born in Redmond and went…
AMCD Blasts Biden Administration for Waiving Sanctions on Iran
July 15, 2021 On the evening of July 13, the State Department issued a waiver to allow Iran access to funds previously frozen by the Trump administration, specifically funds held in banks in Japan and South Korea. The waiver, signed by Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, states: “Allowing these funds to be used to repay…
AMCD Meets with Shahram Homayoun of Channel One
June 26, 2021 On June 24, 2021, AMCD members met with Shahram Homayoun, founder and owner of Channel One which broadcasts into Iran daily via satellite from Los Angeles. He sees the election of the brutal ideologue, Ebrahim Raisi, as part of the effort to maintain the regime and that Raisi may wind up succeeding the…
AMCD Meets with Joshua Freed, Republican Party Chair for King County, Washington
June 19, 2021 On June 17, 2021, Joshua Freed led a spirited discussion about how Republicans can win in the very blue state of Washington by championing conservative solutions to the state’s many problems. Mr. Freed also ran an unfortunately unsuccessful campaign to unseat Governor Jay Inslee. Mr. Freed emphasized the need to fill vacant Precinct…
AMCD meets with Tiffany and Scott Smiley
June 10, 2021 Tiffany Smiley is running for the US Senate from the state of Washington hoping to take on Democrat Patty Murray who has held the seat since 2007. She and her husband, Scott, joined AMCD for a zoom discussion on June 8, 2021. Tiffany was working as an emergency room nurse while her husband…
AMCD Meets with Josh Mandel, Candidate for US Senate from Ohio
June 7, 2021 On June 1, 2021, AMCD members met with Josh Mandel who is running for Senate from the state of Ohio. Senator Rob Portman is retiring so the seat will be open in 2022. Mr. Mandel expects to run against Tim Ryan (D) who is currently a Congressman. Mandel is a veteran of the…
AMCD Meets with Avi Zimmerman and Ashraf Jaberi of the Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry
May 26, 2021 The Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry aims to promote commerce and industry among the people, Jews and Palestinian Arabs, living in the area of Judea and Samaria, recently also known as the West Bank. They believe that closer business ties and interdependence between the two peoples will reduce the likelihood of…
AMCD Meets with J. Z. Golden, aide to Congressman Rick Larsen (WA-2)
May 21, 2021 The American Mideast Coalition for Democracy wishes to thank Congressman Rick Larsen for his kind generosity in allowing us to meet with his senior aide for foreign affairs, J. Z. Golden on May 18, 2021. Mr. Golden is also legislative director for Rep. Larsen and we very much appreciated his time with us.…