Category: Uncategorized

  • April – June 2021

    We apologize for the delay in getting this newsletter out. With the current disaster playing out in Afghanistan, we vow to redouble our efforts to make policy-makers listen to those with real experience in the Middle East. God bless our troops and God bless our great country! April We began the month by sounding the alarm…

  • January – March 2021

    January Our members supported President Trump in his struggle to expose the fraud which seems to have swept Joe Biden into the White House. Immediately upon taking office, President Biden began to reverse Trump’s successful policies in many areas, and most importantly for our members, on Middle East policy. The World Evangelical Alliance came out…

  • October – December 2020

    October We began the month of October with great hope for President Trump’s re-election. Our advisor, Walid Phares published an important book entitled, The Choice, detailing the difference between the Trump administration’s successful foreign policy and the failed Obama policies likely to be revived under Biden. The book was immediately hailed by the Middle Eastern community. We discovered that…

  • July – September 2020

    July Well, it’s been a busy quarter. We began by supporting Secretary Pompeo in his call on Turkey for the Hagia Sophia to remain a museum. Naturally, the Secretary’s entreaty went unheeded. Dr. Toufic Hindi published a piece calling President Erdogan “a jihadist with a necktie,“ which pretty much sums up our thinking on the matter as…

  • April – June 2020

    April Despite the coronavirus lockdown at the start of the year, we continued to make our voices heard in Washington and across the country. In early April, Molly Rozbeh wrote a compelling plea to sign her White House petition calling for more pressure on Iran, not less due to the coronavirus as was being argued.  Hossein published…

  • January-March 2020

    January We began 2020 with great hope and optimism – especially about the prospect of President Trump’s re-election chances in November. AMCD vice-chair Hossein Khorram organized a rally in support of the President in Washington State. The Iranian community was thrilled when President Trump tweeted messages to the Iranian people in Farsi. The nephew of Vice President Pence also addressed…

  • October-December 2019

    October We began the third quarter by showing President Trump how much Iranian Americans support him at an event in Beverly Hills, California. Iranian-Americans numbered about 20% of the total number of guests and were the largest single block at this event. Yes! We also called upon the administration to mediate between the Kurds and Turkish forces in…

  • July-September 2019

    JULY AMCD co-chair, John Hajjar spoke with Russia Today on the Trump administration’s posture on Iran. Then Mr. Hajjar represented AMCD at the first National Conference on Conservatism. Watch his speech here. AMCD called out the Lebanese Ambassador to the UN for protecting Hezbollah. And we blasted Governor Inslee, Senator Sanders and Julian Castro for pandering to Islamists at the ISNA…

  • April –June 2019

    APRIL In the first week of April, an interview AMCD co-chair Tom Harb gave to Al-Alam TV (Iran) was picked up and translated by MEMRI. Mr. Harb stated that the Palestinians began with their refusals to peace with Israel with the 1947 Partition Plan, and he explained that Arab countries are starting to think about their…

  • January-March 2019

    January 2019 We started the year off on a sad note. AMCD founding board member, David Lazar passed away. We continue to miss his wise counsel. No doubt he would not have approved of how Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib’s intemperate words and actions. AMCD supported President Trump’s goals in Syria, and opposed the move to replace the House subcommittee on Terrorism,…